Thursday 17 May 2012

Final Day...

Such a sad day today...officially the last day of uni :( going to miss the studio and print room...Although its not over yet!!! Degree show time :)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

We all Love Patterns!!!

Here i have created a variety of handmade patterns... they will appear on my designs for Toddler Boys Clothing!!!

I am counting down the days of my Degree Show....and the end of university!!! Extremely nervous!!!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Jungle Mayhem...

More from Jungle Mayhem....

This is Timmy the Tiger... also in his Jungle enviroment he likes to jump and play around in the trees, he is an unuasal tiger... but thats what makes him unique!!!

Jungle Mayhem

Jungle Mayhem....

This Is Marcus the Monkey... in his jungle enviroment he likes to swing from tree to tree, causing mischeif and mayhem.

Staffordshire University Degree Show

I am very excited to announce the dates for the graduates degree show at Staffordshire University, Stoke campus!!

Everybody is welcome to come  see the Surface Pattern and Textile Surfaces Design studio and talk to the students!!

Featuring lots of fantasic design ideas and inspiration!

My New Blog....

Finally got my blog up and running, excited to be getting started and posting many exciting and different things!!!